Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Growing Green bean plant...

Yeah! A new project...

Now we are growing green-bean plant!!
Let see, what are the stages of the green-bean plant.
  • Seed
  • Seedling
  • Young plant
  • Adult plant
What you need?
Green bean

Plastic cup/container


And some water

How do you plant it?
It is very easy, just 3 step.

Step 1
Add 3 green bean to the soil.

Step 2
Gently push it down to the soil.

Step 3
Add some water.

Done its easy.

Watch this video:

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Growing mealworms.....

Yeah we are growing meal-worms.... Does the meal-worms look scary?(I'm scared.)

Meal-worms have 4 stage life cycles.
First life cycle is egg.
Second life cycle is larvae(meal-worms).
Third life cycle is pupa.
And finally the fourth stage is beetle(meal-worms beetle)


We did not have a chance to see the egg.

Next stage: Larvae(meal-worms)

(This is the stage i scared of.)
Thanks to my best friends, Bevan and Christine.They help me to conduct my fear.

Followed by: Pupa

(This is not so scary.)

And finally the beetles came!!

( It can only live for 30 - 60 days.)

If you had a chance, go to any pet shop or bird shop and buy some, they are very cheap..
Have fun!!